Monday, November 9, 2009


It was a great day today. I felt like I had all my peace and joy back. What that brought with it was an abundance of hope. Did anything happen to give me that hope? Not really…Its just faith that God will do what he promised that he’d do. My life at this point can go in a number of different directions. Im totally at peace with every direction that it can go. Im not saying that my time in Bahrain is coming to an end just yet, but to reiterate that my life is totally up to Christ. I put the sail up, and he’s going to take me wherever His wind might blow. It was rather relaxing at the office today. I got all my projects completed, with nothing else to do on them. It was a great sigh of relief. It was actually pretty ironic. These two major projects we were trying to complete by the opening ceremony for this gigantic shipping port. Everything made it before the deadline, so we did our part. So all was set, except the King’s uncle died this morning. Everything got postponed. The nation will go into mourning for 2 or 3 days. On Radio Bahrain where they normally play Rock music, they are playing Arabic calls to prayer…or at least it sounds like a call to prayer, Its in Arabic so I have no idea what it is. Its probably a prayer of sorrow or something.
So all that rushing around…was it for nothing? Not really. I think if everyone knew they had more time on the deadline, they’d figure out something else to change. At least its all over and done with now. I can go back to being a GM. It was nice though having a nice, slow, stress-free afternoon. I really needed that.

I just remember feeling so filled with hope, peace and joy all day today. I was kind of on a high for the first nine months that I was here…then hit the rough spot. Now I feel like Im back on top of the world. Please keep in mind things are still very tenuous for me at work, but I know that God will make a way when there seems like no other way. He has done it countless of times in my life. Maybe that is one of the reasons why I write this blog so I’ll have a record of the things that he is doing in my life.

We had a positive living group tonight at the flat. We only had two others show up, so there were three of us total. Sometimes there are three sometimes 10. We have a different group almost every week. Its not my job to bring these people Im just making it available. By the way…if you live in Bahrain and would ever like to drop by, we have these meetings every Monday night at 7. I buy everyone dinner and then we watch a Joel Osteen video and talk and philosophize about it. Its fun, as we have Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Atheists all talking about their faith and what they believe. I would love to have you come, just drop me an email and I’ll get you the specifics… I really can’t get involved with the numbers thing with my group. That is just pride. Im just making myself available for God to use however he sees fit. If he wants to move me across the world to affect the life of one person…I’d be happy with that. Nothing parallels my activity like the parable of the lost sheep. Where Jesus left the 99 to save 1. I believe He loves using his people to save that one sheep. While 1 is certainly enough, I still feel an incredible calling in my life to reach tens of thousands. I think its going to happen through my efforts in the media. Its really my calling. I think Im on such a high because Im going to see my kids. I do miss them so. Thank you again for your prayers…they are working.

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