Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The more the pressure the more the peace

It was a very challenging day at work today. Im the General Manager so ultimately everything is my responsibility. I have no problem raising my hand and admitting mistakes or taking the blame. But apparently that is not the norm in this culture. There is a habit of deflecting blame at every turn. They all nearly strain their elbows as the reach around to point at others so much. Maybe I just admit to much more than is my fair share. No matter. But there was a lot of pressure at work today. A strange thing happened. The more the heat got turned up, the more peace I felt. I feel like Im walking around psychologically invincible. Now this is not my own doing as Im not relying upon my own strength. But my faith has grown to such a strong point that I know whatever happens, God has an amazing plan. So that allows me to be super confident in God’s provision and thus helps me remain positive. Positivity is contagious and in a sense a self-fulfilling prophecy. So faith in God has its real psychological effects as perception can indeed become reality in both the supernatural and the natural world. You are what you think, good or bad, positive or negative. God has carried me through so much crap…that I think Im permanently hard wired to look at the positive in everything. Sometimes its just that silver lining is more thin than at other times. I am so full of hope right now.

I mentioned before that project #3 had 8 re-edits and finally it was done and approved…absolutely 100% finalized. We even sent it out to be mass duplicated at 1000 copies which the client requested. So done and dusted…no turning back, halas, finished, done right?…No…. The client called back and wanted a 7:00 version now. The good part is they are willing to pay for the re-edit. So it essentially become a new project. Every new source of revenue is a bonus at this point.

We had the fifth installment of The Funniest Person in Bahrain tonight. The crowd was about the same as last time, about 75. I was a little disappointed. I thought we would be growing faster. Maybe we aren’t marketing this the right way. While the crowds might be down, the content is great The cast feeds off the energy of the crowd as laughter is indeed contagious. The cast was really funny tonight. Tariq won this time, and Im so proud of him. So in the five weeks we’ve been holding the contest we have had 5 different people win. I think that is amazing. The group really seems to be bonding with chemistry becoming very natural. All the performers know how to anticipate each other and bring out the best in their castmates. This group is one of my great sources of satisfaction because we are becoming such a team. For example, Mrs. Finland brought me this wonderful gift bag of sugar free candies, and also brought many props. The dutch girl also brought a lot of props. They are all taking ownership. I’ll post the highlights this weekend.

The weekend is here and not a moment too soon. One more day of work tomorrow then I can sleep, sleep, sleep. Im looking forward to that. I really have been working very hard over here. But God is granting me the strength and perseverance to move forward.


SusuLala said...

"I think Im permanently hard wired to look at the positive in everything"

I agree! I think it's an American thing, which I absolutely take pride in. I have had many colleagues and friends from different cultures ask if I was normally happy or just sane. I am not hurt by their question, maybe because I am used to it. I still think that it's healthier to look at the bright side.

Nice blog. I haven't passed by an American man living in Bahrain and writing a blog before. lol. Keep smiling :)

SusuLala said...

"I think Im permanently hard wired to look at the positive in everything"

I agree! I think it's an American thing, which I absolutely take pride in. I have had many colleagues and friends from different cultures ask if I was normally happy or just insane. I am not hurt by their question, maybe because I am used to it. I still think that it's healthier to look at the bright side.

Nice blog. I haven't passed by an American man living in Bahrain and writing a blog before. lol. Keep smiling :)