I think it happened on the way home from the metro. I was walking over the bridge over the marina on my way home. I had just seen a movie and celebrated thanksgiving by sneaking in a Turkey and Cranberry sandwich into “The Next Three Days” which prompted me to immediately text Jennifer to let her know if she’s every falsely imprisoned for murder I’d help her break out too. I had called my children to leave a message telling each one that I loved them and what I was thankful for about them. Then I even said I was thankful to their mom and stepfather that I was even thankful for them because I knew they loved them and were trying to raise the kids the best way they knew how. But what really got me…was that I absolutely meant it. I know in this blog I’ve complained about their actions and choices before, but Im trying to look past that. The message was given in all sincerity without the trace bit of sarcasm. As I walked over the bridge, a sense of overwhelming peace and thankfulness swept over me. It was quite a contrast to my week. A fitting end to a very unexpected holiday.
Let me back track a bit. This week was going to the busiest week for me since I had arrived. Even though there was a lot of production and tight deadlines and shows, the week truly went flawlessly. I felt the favor of God at every turn. It all came to a head yesterday. All the productions were coming to a head with a show that night in Abu Dhabi. All of our work was pointed to this moment. Abu Dhabi is about a 90 mile drive from Dubai. Harj and I left in plenty of time to cover the event. We even stopped at Burger King on the way down. I decided not to take my insulin first because I had exercised rather vigorously before that and felt a low blood sugar coming on. We were about 75% of the way to our location. When I got in the car I went to take my insulin but to my chagrin, I had left the bottle at home. I have only done that 3 maybe 4 times in my lifetime. I had to think quick. If I drove home to get it, we might miss the show and thus potentially lose the contract. But then again I wouldn’t be home for another 8 hours, can I make it that long especially having just eaten a big meal? I figured to chance it and drive to the venue. I would be miserable but at least we would make the show. I consider that a bit like never missing a deadline. So I anticipated what would happen…at best I wouldn’t be able to eat again (missing out on the banquet.) I would have to pee a lot and probably get really weak and thirsty. I’d be miserable but I’d survive. I wouldn’t do that if I had to go 24 hours without insulin. With my severity of diabetes, I think going 24 hours would be hard and I’d be very listless, 48 I’d probably lose consciousness, and 72 hasta a la vista I think. So I figured I could make 8 hours. Then I had a thought. We were early to the venue and we passed a mall on the way. Most malls have pharmacies here and to buy prescriptions you don’t need a prescription they sell it just like an over the counter drug. Since lately Im enveloped by the favor of God I figured I might just get lucky. I dropped Harj off at the venue (Since he’s the cameraman, its essential that he’s there, less essential for me.) I had already pre-produced the piece they were going to feature at the event. So I helped him set up and sped down the highway. I finally made it to the mall. They really don’t believe in convenient off-ramps and left turns here. If you need to turn left you’ll have to head up the road a 3-5 miles to the roundabout and do a U-turn there. So I made it to the mall and just my luck/blessing there was a pharmacy there. However, they did not have my Humalog type of Insulin there. Instead they had an old version Humilin R which I took a 10 years ago. Its different but Insulin is insulin it just has a different reaction or potency time. I bought the bottle for about $12, which is stinkin cheap. Medicines are underwritten by the government here. Silly US can’t come up with Universal Healthcare and I get my Insulin for that cheap. So I took the insulin injection and was fine for the rest of the night. I made it back to the venue with 30 minutes to spare. The night went perfectly as far as we’re concerned. The problems didn’t happen til that night as I tried to sleep I had a major low blood sugar as my body reacted to the insulin it wasn’t used to. I had to take a bunch of glucose, chocolate, and Orange Juice. I mean I had to scarf it down a my sugar dropped to around 45, which is way low. I tried to fall back asleep and then the blood sugar shot in the other direction like a rubber band. So all day I tried to maintain or get to a common level. I was wiped out all day today. Finally I did get there.
But then I crossed the bridge tonight. Its amazing how God speaks to me while Im crossing bridges and Im not really sure why. I had a Turkey Sandwich, popcorn and butter topping (a rarity in the Middle East) and a huge Diet Coke. I was content and peaceful. While my Thanksgiving could be better…it also could have been much worse. What if I didn’t have the means to contact my children to wish them a happy Thanksgiving or be able to tell them I love them? What if they had something terminally wrong with them or tragically were not around? What if I didn’t have a beautiful new wife with whom Im going to be able to celebrate Christmas next month? What if I didn’t have my parents or siblings around? Things could be so much worse. Im filled with appreciation, peace and joy for everything I do have in my life. I say that with all sincerity and wish all of you a joyous holiday from the land of Sand and Skyscrapers. If you have family around hug them and treasure the time you have with them. Some us aren’t quite as lucky, but blessed nonetheless.
1 comment:
Oh Rick, what a story......I would have been a wreck if I had been with you. You know how mom's can be. I truly love and miss you and your plate full of rolls. Trying not to get teary, am truly thankful for you and Jennifer. Mama
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