If a picture is worth a thousand words consider this a complete blog tonight. Im posting pictures from the waterpark on Saturday. It was truly a special day. I hope that comes through with these pictures.
It was a really big day today. We just got confirmation on one of the largest contracts ever at KSDi. We’ll be doing a pretty big biography. That is going to take up a majority of my time at work for the next few months. Im headed out to the US next week to spend a week with Jennifer getting to know her friends and family and meeting her parents face to face. I think my parents even might fly out to meet her. They really like her. Oh…if I didn’t mention it ahead of time, I did ask Jennifer’s father permission for his daughter’s hand in marriage. He did say yes.
Im not going to have time to write in the blog later. Im off to play Darren Squash at the British Club, then Quiz night at JJ’s, then I plan to wake up at 4am to catch the Oscars. In between all of this I have to figure out how to talk to Jennifer for our regular six hour a day chat. So pretty busy…but pretty exciting.
Oh…one more thing. I was reading in my devotional today (My Utmost for His Highest) How the purpose of trials in our life is that we can experience God’s amazing Joy simultaneously with our problems. That is where the “Joy of the Lord is our strength” comes in. The verse “Consider it all joy my brethren when you fall into various trials.” Never really made sense to me until I matured as a Christian. Now I realize the reason. Whenever “the crap” hits and you are living your life right the spiritual body reacts by combating the crap with Joy and peace. Its kind of like whenever you have an infection your white blood cells immediately start attacking the infection to start the healing process. That is how God intends Joy to work. When the crap hits, Joy is supposed to go to work. It doesn’t make sense from an earthly standpoint but it just plain works. I’ve had a lot of pain the last few months but still…my Joy is full. The Joy of the Lord is my strength.
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