Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cutting back

As you might have noticed, I’ve cut back on the blog. There a couple of reasons for that. I used to write habitually every night. I couldn’t sleep if I didn’t post something. Maybe it was an addiction, since I have an addictive personality. But I don’t think it was an unhealthy addiction. Writers write. The more you write the better you get at it. Plus it was a calling…me writing this blog. Many times I’ve felt led by the Holy Spirit to say certain things. So Im sure God is using this. One quick example comes to mind and I’ve mentioned this previously. One local Muslim started reading this blog (I have no idea how he found it) and he disputed my views of God. So we went out to dinner and I shared my faith with him and he with me. We’ve been friends ever since. He has also been a regular at my Monday group…I love having his perspective. He has just finished reading Purpose Driven Life and is now reading Your Best Life Now. So I guess that is one tangible example of God using this blog. There are many others but even just the one is absolutely reassuring.

One of the hard things about writing this blog is when I have something I need to keep secret. I usually don’t pre-plan what Im going to write about. Instead I take a stream of consciousness approach that whatever comes out…comes out. Ive had to go delete large portions in the past when I’ve had a check in my spirit about certain content but more often than not, I haven’t had to do so. But for the last few weeks there are certain very big and important things happening in my life which I’m not at liberty to share the details just yet. I think someday, I’ll be able to do that. Having to hold back..or self censor really blocks the stream of consciousness approach. Its absolutely crippling in fact. Maybe once these few issues clear up I’ll be able to be more free with the information. Now Im tring to err on the side of caution and prudence.

Another issue why Im not writing as much has to do with Jennifer. Which is a very good thing. She takes up most of my free time now. Im so happy that she’s in my life. In many ways, to borrow a phrase from Jerry Maguire “She completes me” thus the need for writing daily in the blog diminishes a bit.

So no matter what the reason, Im just not writing as much any more. But I still want to do so. Its great therapy for me. I think once Jennifer and I get married and live on the same continent it will be easier as my blog will merge with her blog….hmmmmmm I didn’t mean the connotation with that, but it works on a couple of different levels. So I think that will be easier.

I do want my life to be a testimony to God’s faithfulness. Whether that be through my work, interpersonal relationships, speaking engagements or this blog. I’m just an instrument and he can use me however he wants.

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