I don’t feel like blogging much tonight. Things at work are going really well, things with Jennifer are going really well, and my spiritual walk is really going well too. I finished my fast today and celebrated by going to Fuddrucker’s. They have this great barbecue chicken platter there that they make only for me. Its not on the menu but I hold favor there. They all wanted to see Jennifer and my wedding pictures. They got really excited once they saw me. Its not like I leave a big tip everytime and they suck up to me. Rather I take the time to talk to them. Still I usually leave 500 fils which is $1.25. They seem to appreciate it.
I rushed off to watch Pat coach a playoff game. It was pretty exciting. Im a big fan I guess. I could only stay for half since I was playing Darren at squash at 830. He kicked my butt this time taking 3 of 4 games. I had to call it early because my blood sugar was doing weird things. I had a big meal earlier and thought that 90 min. was enough for it to digest. I guess not. The good thing about this fast and why Im talking about it is that God really speaks much more clearer when you are fasting. So if you are seeking Him you might want to give it a try. So what God told me during this fast is to not sweat any of the details. The major life choices that Jennifer and I have to make will be easy. So that takes the pressure off. Hopefully I’ll write more tomorrow since it’s the weekend.
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