Im trying a new routine now that the weather is warmer. I’m trying to get up super early to kayak in the morning like I did last Spring-Fall. But we have to figure out the time change because Jennifer wants me to talk to her before I head out. When we talk we always put time limits on ourselves but we always go over those limits. We just can’t seem to get enough of each other. But I did make it out to the Persian Gulf…D’oh…they like to refer to it as the Arabian Gulf, since its all of theirs. There is a region within the Middle East called the GCC, Gulf Coast Countries. These countries comprise of: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. There are 25 Arab states or countries spread out over the Middle East and Africa so the GCC is a subset of that. There was talk of making one currency, kind of like the Euro in Europe, but Oman and the UAE opted out. They are still attempting to unify the currency in the other countries with Saudi Arabia being the leader. UAE didn’t like being second fiddle to Saudi. The differences between Saudi and the UAE culturally is about as vast as the differences between the US and Mexico. But even while we wait for the unified currency, most businesses accept any GCC currency. I often get my change in Saudi Riyals, which is a pain. So I ask them to change it if they can and they are usually pretty gracious about it.
So Im off kayaking in the gulf this morning. It was fabulous. The water was like glass. So calm and serene as I glided across the bay to the gulf. The bay allows even more calm waters. This is such great exercise, plus I call it my prayer closet. I stop at the halfway mark and just drift and listen to God. Its usually complete quiet. I try not to talk…just listen. Christians have this habit of always speaking to God and not taking the time to listen. If they did listen, they would find that he had wonderful things to say. That is why it was so easy for me to marry Jennifer, I have heard God’s voice so often I recognize it from my own, or the enemy’s. The enemy, being the Angel of Light, sounds like God so you really have to discern. But Im pretty familiar with God since He’s my friend. I know that makes me sound looney, but that is why we were created, to be God’s friend. One way to check to make sure you are hearing God’s voice, is to check it against scripture. The voice will never contradict scripture. Another tool I use…is just to meditate and look in the mirror. It eliminates distraction and forces you to be honest with yourself. You have to have a pure heart (confessed sins) for you to hear God properly since God cannot co-exist with sin.
I told you that I felt like the Lord led me to have Jennifer and I to fast with the purpose of us being able to be together faster. I think our union is a powerful one and we are going to do great things for God’s kingdom. That said, it would be pretty natural to assume that resistance will come our way. Its an interesting thing when you fast, you will get all these voices in your head telling you to stop, its not working, go ahead and eat, don’t be legalistic, etc…. I usually get inundated with that crap. That just encourages me that fasting is effective. As you deny the physical the spirit is strengthened, that’s why the enemy works overtime to discourage you or tempt you in some other manner. Think of the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness for example. Except he went 40 days, and I can barely get two down. Im such a wimp. I think the enemy tries to get you to cut your fast off early. It’s a little like a boxing match, where you are training before the match. Your opponent comes over to your gym, and tries to convince you to stop working out. He reasons you’re fit enough already and he’s a pushover thus there is no need to continue exercising. Then you get in the ring and realize he’s been working out the whole time and you get pummeled. So don’t give up the training, keep working out spiritually so that when you do get into the ring (or face challenges/trials) the battle is an easy one, because you are already spiritually fit. One of the obstacles I have when I fast is my blood sugar. Its especially tricky now that I am exercising vigorously again. I have to really monitor it. Its been low all day, so I have to continue to drink lots of juice. Plus my energy is down so I try to take a nap at lunch. But I want to encourage you, once you get over that first initial hunger pang of your fast it gets a lot easier. You will be amazed how much more time you have in your day when you don’t devote it to food. Its like 30-45 min. per meal so you save about 2-3 hours. Plus that first meal after you break a long fast is the most delicious meal you’ll have of the year…satisfying for the body, soul, and spirit.
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