I have a theory. A theory that has rang true in my life over and over again, but its not something I can prove. You will just have to take my word for or try it out yourself. Rick’s Postulate: The amount of God’s peace one experiences is directly proportionate to the size of the crisis one is experiencing. Thus the bigger the crisis, the bigger the allotment of peace. Something happened today about which I can’t go into details. It has nothing to do with Jennifer however. But she certainly has been instrumental in the solution or assisting in the allocation of God’s peace. So I had potentially a really bad day. I mean really bad. But for some reason…it didn’t emotionally feel that bad. In fact is was a pretty good day. It doesn’t really make sense in the natural. I should be really depressed and worrying but Im not. Psalm 55:22 says Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you. 1 Peter 5:7 says essentially the same thing “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
OK, here’s the crazy part. I didn’t even pray about this particular crisis. It just kind of happened. I have been doing all the right things by “Seeking God First” and letting the chips fall where they may. So when the hammer of adversity dropped its head, I was completely prepared for it. Its like the dust was just shrugged off my back. Its not that I’m ambivalent to this latest crisis, not in the least. Its just that I’ve been through so many similar types of crises and God has always seen me through the storm. So no matter what happens, I know He’ll see me through this storm as well. Oh…I have my preference on which direction I want the ship to be guided. God will certainly take that into account as he is directing my steps. But I know that whichever direction this particular ship heads, that Im going wind up safely in the harbor after the storm passes. I’ve mentioned before that whenever God speaks he will repeat it two-three times just to make sure you are tuned in and hearing Him correctly. I said a couple of months ago that I felt God told me that the Phillies would win the Series…D’oh…I guess that wasn’t backed up by two or three sources. Unless I would have been in Philly then Im sure it would have been backed up…lol. So God once again told me that things would be ok. I was listening to the podcast of Cornerstone from his past Sunday’s sermon and boom it was just for me…from halfway around the world. God confirmed both through this podcast, His voice in my head, and for good measure a bonus of Jennifer. Having her support is God’s way of helping me show no fear no matter what the circumstance. Having her in my corner believing in me makes all the difference. A very simple phrase that Pastor Steve Madsen said, one that I sang about as a child in Sunday School, just hit me like a load of bricks. “The wise man built his house on the rock, the foolish man built his house on the sand. What happened with the storm of adversity hit?” Even though Im proverbially in the land of sand, for the last five years my house has a solid foundation of being on the Rock (Bible/God/Jesus etc.). This strong foundation has helped me to not only survive a number of storms but to thrive in them as well. I am so blessed and so thankful.
Now if you were to look at my life there are a number of different things that you could point to today to try to convince me that I should be depressed and miserable. You know what…you’d probably be right. But I’ve learned that having the proper foundation is the key element to allowing “All things work together for good” to happen in my life.
So how will this particular crisis revolve itself? Im not sure, but I know I’ll wind up on the good side.
(I know my mother is probably freaking out right now, worrying what is wrong with me. Don’t worry mother, everything is in control.---She’s still working through this worry issue. She’s a mother after all.)
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