Those are awfully strong words I know. Emerging from the pits of despair and rebounding so poetically made the emotional elation all the more sweeter. Its kind of like when you go on a fast and the first meal you have is so delectable. I have said this a few times before but it bears repeating. It was July 09 and I was visiting my boys in Texas. It was a bittersweet visit. When I visit my boys it fills me with so much joy but also reminds me of the family that I lost. So I was somewhat melancholy when I was praying when I heard the Lord’s voice tell me very clearly that I’d be married within a year. I have heard this voice before so I could recognize it. I didn’t really believe it though. But just to make sure I told my good friend Darren in Bahrain, David my roommate in Texas and Isa in Bahrain. They all said…to who? I said, I don’t know. I wasn’t dating anyone so it was a complete mystery to me. Then last year right about this time I got matched on eharmony (hey its hard to find a pretty Christian girl when you are living in the Middle East) with some blonde girl from North Carolina. Neither one of us were too enthusiastic about the match at first, but once we started the short and long answers both sensed there was something different about each other. Then in our first email on Jan. 3, 2010 we became convinced. I was absolutely intrigued by this girl. But I had to see her first. I had met several girls online some were not representative of their photos (which is a vast understatement). But when I first saw Jennifer on the webcam, God spoke “She’s the one I have for you.” Of course it doesn’t take a genius to realize how wonderful she is. But what is amazing is how perfect we fit together, like the last two missing pieces of a complex jigsaw puzzle. We make each other complete. I knew that I would marry her. Jennifer knew almost as quickly as I did. In fact, I told her on our second phone conversation that I loved her. I wanted to wait til I met her face to face, but I just couldn’t help myself. Really it was love at first sight. Since my life was so dramatic I wanted to finish with a flourish. Or actually start part 2 with a flourish. I know my life will be made into a TV movie someday so I wanted to emotionally punch it up. So when Jennifer flew out to Bahrain and I was to meet her face to face for the first time. I wanted the “happily ever after part” to be memorable. So my first words to her were “Will you Marry me?” Fortunately she said yes. And the rest of the year as we traveled across the world 6 times to see each other is what made 2010 the best year ever. Jennifer is with me in Dubai right now as we ring in 2011 and look for places to live. I took her to church today and our pastor John Folmar after the introduction said…I’ve seen you before. Jennifer was dumbstruck…then he said…on Youtube. I was touched that pastor of a large church would take the time to learn so much about one of his members. I think it says a lot for his character. If you missed the “Will you marry me?” Here is the link to view it again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsGigrwnXAM
I am so grateful to God and his faithfulness for all these blessings. Since I got divorced it absolutely emotionally devastated me. I was so defined by my family and instantly I lacked an identity. But I re-identified myself as a child of the King. I clung to God for hope. God kept reassuring me for four years that he was in control, and that he would get me through this. 2010 was the culmination of His faithfulness. How many people do you know (other than the ones who live in Hollywood) Have met someone and the next month they get engaged, and the next month they get married. I know it might seem impulsive. Hey Jennifer and I both know its impulsive. To me its more about being faithful to God’s calling than to question my emotional sanity. Really Jennifer and I got married then started to date. Each and every day that goes by I am more and more convinced that she not only is the perfect partner for me, but my best friend and lover. I wish everyone could experience the exhilaration that I feel when I am with her. So Jennifer, my love, thank you for making 2010 the best year of my life. Can we possibly top it in 2011?