I got on the plane at 10 am leaving from SFO. Had to go to Houston, said my goodbyes to the children, well at least the boys...my daughter (14) has a hard time finding reasons to talk to me...but that is for a later post. I haven't seen her since July, even though I have pleaded with her to do so. Wait...that is a painful tangent...i'll talk about that later.
I get to Houston and the computers were down...they had to manually check everyone in by hand...all 500 or so of us. It was like the dark ages. Finally I get my seat. They flew me out Business class. The plane was delayed for 3 hours leaving because all the manual check in...they had to manually match the baggage as well. It could have been a 12 hour delay...i didn't care...In business class on a flight like that...its so luxurious. I certainly felt pampered and spoiled. The plane finally took off and I felt like i was on vacation. I had hundreds of movies and television shows to choose from in a very comfortable and luxurious chair. The 14 hour flight seemed to just fly by.
I arrived in Dubai, and the plane was three hours late. I had to rush through the Dubai airport to make my connection. I got stopped at security, because of all my insulin and hypodermic needles. I really need to learn the word for Arabic for Diabetes. Finally they let me through. I found my gate but because the computers went down in Houston, Gulf Air had no record of me and the flight was about to leave in 30 min...and it was fully booked. Its 10:30 pm local time at this point and i had been traveling for about 23 hours at this point. But I didn't panic. They explained that there was no way my bags would make it...because i had flown in on another Airline. But there might be another seat if someone doesn't show up. The plane was supposed to leave at 11:06 pm. They closed the boarding process at 11:00 but still they let people board. I was sitting off to the side, just observing. One guy rushed up to the gate...i think he must have been Pakistani or Indian....tried to plead his way aboard. But they refused. Disgusted that he missed his flight...he sulked away. The unfair part is that a few minutes after he left, they let about 8 more people board. It was total discrimination and completely unfair. A few minutes after this...they handwrote a boarding pass and let me board. I was in the last seat...they delayed the plane for me...for about an hour. I must have been in the Indian's/Pakistani's seat. I wasn't too proud of that...but i didn't realize what was going on at the time otherwise i would have refused.
I sat next to this young Muslim woman from Dubai...she was 17. We had an amazing talk of cultures, religion, and faith. She was very interested in America, our religious beliefs, and culture. She lived in London and Dubai (her parents were divorced) and she was about to enter University to study Psychology. Im sure we raised a few eyebrows from the people sitting around us. It just isn't proper for a man to speaking to a woman in most conservative Arab cultures, but Dubai and Bahrain for that matter are very progressive. She understood a little bit more about Christianity and I learned just a tad bit more of Islam. It was/is not my job to convert Muslims to Christianity. Instead, im am here to let my life for Christ by Testimony. Like St. Francis of Assisi said..."Preach the Gospel always...when necessary use words." I can't think of too many Christians that were debated into the Kingdom. I believe it is our job as people of faith is to live it out...and let the Holy Spirit draw people in. Be ready to answer the questions...just don't force your answers down their throat...but that is just me. Other people have their forms of Evangelism that works well for them.
I got to Bahrain, and my bags weren't there. I was met by Khalifa, the father. He's 67 and a beautiful man. I really enjoy him. His kids run the company now but he is there as an advisor and friend. We have these great conversations about Bahrain and the history and culture. Khalifa was the star and produced a film in the 70's called Hammad and the Pirates which aired on the old Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday nights. Khalifa and his children wanted to bring me aboard as GM of KSDI (Khalifa Shaheen Digital Images) ksdibahrain.com to shepherd it into the 21st century. Right now they do wedding videos and digital photography. With me on board they want to delve into television and feature film. This really is a dream job and great cultural opportunity. Im very lucky...very fortunate and very blessed.
As many of you know me...know that the last three years have been amazingly difficult for me. I went through a very unwanted divorce (I tried everything i could to save it...but she just wasn't interested). So Im viewing this trip to Bahrain...my 40th Birthday as a brand new start in life. Im pretty excited...not just because im in a new culture but because God is directing my steps. True peace and joy (not necessarily happiness) are found when you walk according to Gods ways.
My bags arrived the following day....Take 2 is well underway....
Hey Rick! Read this last posting and thought "Hey, been there, done that!" with the long flights. BC makes a HUGE difference! CBN NEVER pays for such a luxury (except for Pat of course), but after so many flights, the ascension to "Gold" status, I've been "bumped up". Dude, it has RUINED me! Now, whenever I hop the pond, I gaze longingly for my old seat in Row 1.
So what exactly are you doing in Bahrain? Maybe I missed it in one of your postings....
Lord Bless,
Hey Damien...yeah im ruined too. They should forewarn you about the upgrades like the Surgeon General's warning or something because its so hard to go back.
Im the GM of a small production company out here with tons of potential. Ultimately we will finance and produce our own feature films and television shows...but that might be a couple of years...thanks for the feedback.
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