Monday, October 24, 2011

The Power of Positivity or My Life as a Christmas Card

I haven’t written in this blog for quite awhile.  Its not because there hasn’t been big things happening in my life, because there have been many big things.  Rather, I don’t want this to become like a Christmas card.  Christmas cards are when you get those form-like letters telling you how great the sender is, and what amazing things they accomplished over the last year.  But the truth is, this is Christmas card, its unavoidable.   I just feel so incredibly blessed right now.  Things in my life are going very well.  That is not say that my life is perfect.  My life is far far far from perfect.  Yet I have developed an attitude and methodology of looking at life and it really works.  I’ve said it many times before in the space of this blog and it bears repeating.  Instead of focusing on what I don’t have, I simply focus on what I have.  I have a beautiful wife, a healthy and happy baby girl, a new house, a dog that loves me, a burgeoning career where I am a respected contributor, and most importantly a very intimate walk with God.  All this is possible because of my outlook in life.  Positivity and Negativity all have domino effects.  I just happen to be riding the crest on the wave of positivity and I am now a disciple and advocate for this way of thinking because it works.   I have to mention that God used Joel Osteen and his philosophies in a significant way to alter the course of my life.  I have attended several churches where the Osteen philosophy of positivity were decried. I think I am living proof that it works.  The low point in my life happened around 2005.  Instead of believing what other people thought of me, I started believing what God thought of me.  Eventually, I started believing it myself.  Instead of going to job interviews and going about life defeated, I started holding my head high.  I didn’t believe it at first but I had to fake it til I made it.  (Good thing I was a good actor.)  But good things did indeed eventually start happening.  I got an excellent job opportunity with an ad agency, that helped build my esteem.  That led to another position, which led to the next.  My life was in a series of upgrades which each climb up the ladder giving me additional evidence and faith that God indeed had a perfect plan for my life.  When I lost everything, I would have been stuck in the mud if I would have wallowed.  Plenty of friends and family felt sorry for me and they wouldn’t have blamed me for feeling sorry for myself, because they all felt sorry for me too.  But inch by inch, I drug myself out of the mire.  I am so glad I did because I would have missed out on so many amazing opportunities in life. Firms want to hire “can-do” personalities, not the boo-hoo look what my life used to be-types.  When I met Jennifer I was really at a high point spiritually, professionally, and emotionally.  That attracted her to me.  How else was I going to land a gorgeous athlete, with an amazing career and intelligence off the charts?   Do you think she would have been attracted to a guy in an emotional fetal position?  Of course not.  As you can probably tell, I am a total glass half full kind of guy.  I believe if you are a Christian, and you are doing it right, you have to be an optimist.  That is just the way God intended it to be.  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.    I also believe that God helps those who help themselves.  God recognized my heart and sent several tools my way to enable me to believe in myself.  They more I believed in myself the more I believed in Him.  It was a wonderful perpetual cycle.  It works.  Jennifer was a tool that God sent my way to help complete my propulsion into the limitless possibilities of the future. 

Lets bring this philosophy of the rose-colored glasses to current day.  I had an amazing weekend with my wife and I am really on cloud 9 in love with that woman.  On Saturday we had some huge fights and arguments.  (No one quite fights like Jennifer, which makes her special in and of itself).  Yet on Sunday we made up and had a very dreamy like day (with the only negative being a 28-0 loss by the Raiders to the dreaded Chiefs).  But even that was OK, because I was able to hold my baby in my arms in the through the third quarter.  So I can look at this weekend as being bad because of Saturday or being fantastic because of Sunday.  If I want my Monday to be great, on which day should I dwell?

I sometimes get a little giddy about how ideal my life is right now.  I think that is what it means to “Delight yourself in the Lord.”  Again, I have had some really devastating things happen to me very recently that could have easily destroyed my optimism if I were to have allowed it.  Instead I crowd my head with all the good things that are happening to me today and will continue through tomorrow.  Thus if I fill my head with joy and hope the negativity and loss soon get crowded out.  Its not like I’m burying it, because it will always resurface in time.  Rather I am just tabling what I can’t control in the full faith that God will restore what was lost in his perfect timing.  In the mean time why lose sleep over it?    I have a very sexy wife, an innocent and healthy baby girl, a nice new house, and a working car to get me home at 6:00.  Although I love my work, I can’t wait to get home each night.   I truly have a wonderful life, but only through the grace of God and the power of my positive spirit, which He had instilled in me.  “Have a great life now, ask me How.”  So if you are down in the dumps and need someone to chat with, feel free to email me at  Many people already have.  I just want to help make the world a better place.  I believe sharing my philosophies is just one of many ways to do that.  

1 comment:

Tango Whiskey said...

Reference Joel Osteen - it's not his "positive thinking" that I decry, rather his inability or unwillingness to clearly enunciate what the Gospel is.

I have seen him waffle time after time while on national television. He appears to desire man's praise rather than being true to God's word.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”
(Romans 1:16-17 ESV)

"This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus."
(Acts 4:11-13 ESV)

Here is the latest example of Osteen waffling: